Musical Theater
Our musical theater program at Tetzlaff is taking off at Tetzlaff!! This after school program operates in the spring and gives all Tetzlaff students to audition for an opportunity to participate in a full musical production! The program brings together students from all ability levels to create a fantastic production each year!
This past year, the musical theater program put on the production "Mary Poppins Jr." for 4 sold out audiences! The cast and crew was fantastic under the leadership of our musical theater director Mr. Sales. Students interested in the musical will receive information regarding auditions during our 2nd semester of the school year. All current Tetzlaff students are welcome to audition for the production regardless of their chosen elective class. |
The DetailsAudition information: Audition information will be posted during the 2nd semester. They typically take place in February with some students being asked to come to a callback audition for a few lead roles. Students usually find out the audition results 1-2 weeks after their audition.
Rehearsals: Rehearsals take place completely after school and the amount of days students rehearse depends on the role. A calendar for rehearsals is given out at the first meeting once we have set our cast lists. The rehearsals are between 1-3 days per week depending on the scene being rehearsed. Cost: We ask all students participating to make a $60 voluntary donation to help cover the costs of costuming and set design. All students are able to participate regardless of ability to give a donation |